Cyber Scholarship Program: Don’t Miss This Prestigious Opportunity for Students!

Picture this: a full scholarship package enabling you to complete your cybersecurity education without being hampered by financial burdens. In addition, a generous stipend covering room and board. And the assurance of federal government employment after graduation. All this is possible through the DoD Cyber Scholarship Program (DoD CySP), which is available to students at […]

A widespread logic controller flaw raises the specter of Stuxnet

photo of buildings during nighttime

In 2009, the computer worm Stuxnet crippled hundreds of centrifuges inside Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment plant by targeting the software running on the facility’s industrial computers, known as programmable logic controllers. The exploited PLCs were made by the automation giant Siemens and were all models from the company’s ubiquitous, long-running SIMATIC S7 product series. Now, more than […]